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14th 2-5pm (drop in) & 15th June 10-5pm, Lightfoot Room, St John's College

The genesis of this project lies in the observation of the decay of an object in everyday life: a door with peeling paint. The material of decay first caught our attention when a researcher noticed the weathered door panel, speckled with patches of peeling paint, during a routine supervision session----what is decay? Defining decay stems from our empirical observations, typically involving a spectrum of irreversible, continuous downward processes often laden with negative connotations. However, is this portrayal truly applicable to all phenomena categorized as decay? This project endeavours to challenge and deconstruct the traditional understanding of decay by uncovering its dual nature in terms of continuity, reversibility, and scalability. This research combines arts and sciences with a focus on critical thinking in artificial intelligence and high education. It consists of four sections: Quantum Decay, Information Decay, Nature Decay, and Cellular Decay.


Please check for more information and to register/book your free space: www

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Diffraction Theatre


Producer, Artistic Director, Dramaturgy: Jing Wang Thomas

Collaborating Scientists: Zhengkang Qu, Zucheng Gao

Collaborating Artist: Xintong Gong



DIFFRACTION THEATRE is an artistic & educational based organization founded in Cambridge, UK. We are keen on fostering unique conversations and knowledge creations across different disciplines through theatrical practice. We employ diffractive thinking and a difference-attentive mode of thought in our working process. Our practice in the arts and sciences also critically explores cutting-edge technologies in theatre production, as well as sustainable approaches to reform theatre creating methodologies and to enliven the ecological potential of theatre in terms of environmental sustainability.

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